Pottery of Troy, Anatolia

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This page is a summary of pottery published in works available to Commons or photographs submitted to Commons. Each pot depicted is both an individual item with its own material characteristics and is the representative of a type, of which many hundreds of instances may have been found. The summary thus represents thousands of pieces scattered throughout the world, some lost, but most likely to be found in Troy Museum.

Metal items are not included here.

The dates are as published or as specified with the picture. Any given type, however, may span more than one period (for details see the text included with the picture). The publisher may include comparisons to other world pottery, but without conclusions.

Troy I


Troy I was dated 3000 - 2500 by Blegen, 2920 - 2550 by Korfmann. EB 1

Troy II


Troy II was dated 2500 - 2200 by Blegen, 2920 - 2550 by Korfmann. EB 2.

Troy III


Troy III was dated 2200 - 2050 by Blegen, 2250 - 2100 by Korfmann. EB 3.

Troy IV


Troy IV was dated 2050 - 1900 by Blegen, 2100 - 1900 by Korfmann. EB 3.

Troy V


Troy V was dated 1900 - 1800 by Blegen, 1900 - 1700 by Korfmann. EB 3.

Troy VI


Troy VII


General provenience


This section is for pots of unknown or unspecified dates.