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I'm over on the English Wikipedia. You should contact me there.

When reusing a copyrighted image with a license that requires attribution, that attrbution may be given in one of these ways:

  • A hyperlink to the description page for the image on Wikimedia Commons or, if only available there, to the image description page on the English Wikipedia.
  • A hyperlink to my Wikipedia user page
  • The text "Wikimedia Commons by Kbh3rd" if the image is from Wikimedia Commons
  • The text "Wikipedian Kbh3rd" if the image is found on any Wikimedia Commons or on Wikipedia.

Different images have been uploaded with different licenses. I am more than happy to consider different licenses or custom terms to ease reuse for specific purposes.

I wrote my own program to draw SVG maps directly from GIS data. Anyone is welcome to try it, if you're not scared by the biggest, hairiest command-line syntax you ever saw. It is written in Perl and runs on Linux. It might work on Windows if all the required packages will load into your Perl environment there; I've never tried it.

All my original images are gathered into a category. A partial gallery of original work is on the English Wikipedia. Here are a few samples of the various types of images that I've contributed.

Quality images


Quality images

Valued images


Valued images

Sample of others
